Jira workflow automation: 30+ ideas for instant workflow magic

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Jira workflow automation: 30+ ideas for instant workflow magic
Jira workflow automation: 30+ ideas for instant workflow magic
Jira workflow automation: 30+ ideas for instant workflow magic


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In today's fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity that we can't afford to waste. As businesses strive to be more efficient and productive, automation has become an essential tool for success. This white paper is packed with more than 30 ideas that will inspire you to automate your processes and protect your valuable time. With these ideas, you'll be able to automate across a range of topics, including information recency, input control, communications, instant time savings, user and role-based automations, and streamlined issue journeys. 


ScriptRunner is a leading automation and customization app for Jira that allows you to automate workflows and issues, extend Jira, and improve UX with Groovy scripts and JQL. With ScriptRunner, you can set up scheduled and reactive automations, get process alignment within Jira workflows, and use specific and shareable views with advanced search. The app offers a range of features, including Script Console for bulk issue updating, Listeners for triggering actions in response to events, Jobs and Escalation for scheduling routine tasks, Enhanced Search for getting specific with JQL functions, and Scripted Conditions & Validators for enforcing any criteria.

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