Building blocks to boost your DevOps transformation

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Building blocks to boost your DevOps transformation
Building blocks to boost your DevOps transformation
Building blocks to boost your DevOps transformation


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DevOps aims to bridge the gap between the change-ready ideology of developers and the more cautious approach of operations. This eBook provides insights into developing a conducive culture and encouraging employee buy-in, ensuring the right talent and knowledge are in place, implementing continuous integration and delivery, promoting collaboration, prioritizing automation, and building a toolbox for DevOps success.
For DevOps to succeed, it requires everyone involved's support and participation. This includes developing a compatible culture that encourages buy-in from employees, enabling the necessary talent and knowledge in the organization, implementing a new outlook on continuous integration and delivery, emphasizing the importance of collaboration to achieve objectives, recognizing the role of automation, and building a toolbox for DevOps success. This white paper helps you achieve DevOps success.

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