Jira Product Discovery: One team's experiences after three months of using JPD

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Jira Product Discovery: One team's experiences after three months of using JPD
Jira Product Discovery: One team's experiences after three months of using JPD


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As a product manager, prioritizing your team's backlog can be a daunting task. Ensuring that your decisions have a positive impact on the team requires a lot of effort, time, and resources. This webinar discusses Jira Product Discovery to help you with this challenge.
Jira Product Discovery, released by Atlassian in 2022 and still in beta version, is gaining more popularity among product managers. In this on-demand webinar, you will learn how this platform can assist you in making efficient development plans for your team. You will also learn about one team's (at Ricksoft) experience after using Jira Product Discovery for a few months.

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