Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing

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The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing
The ultimate guide to Agile estimation, from planning poker to bucket sizing


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Agile Project Management is an iterative and incremental approach to software development projects supported by a cross-functional team. It allows for flexibility and frequent delivery of product iterations, and enables teams to respond to changes quickly. Agile follows a framework, with detailed project planning and estimation for each sprint before execution. Accurate estimation is important for planning and managing the effort to deliver a new feature or product. 
This extensive article covers four methods for estimating work: Planning Poker, Asynchronous, Relative Estimation, and Bucket Sizing, with explanations on how to use each approach.

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