Project to Product: Building the right thing in the right way

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Project to Product: Building the right thing in the right way
Project to Product: Building the right thing in the right way
Project to Product: Building the right thing in the right way
Project to Product: Building the right thing in the right way


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In the pre-agile era of software development, project management dominated workflow processes. This involved extensive research, creating a master plan, and assigning projects to developers, culminating in a finished product launch, often years after the initial idea was conceived. Unfortunately, market and customer needs frequently changed by the time the product was launched. 
Although agile development has significantly improved this process, many organizations still cling to the old project management principles that once governed the industry. As a result, development organizations continue to encounter similar challenges to those experienced under the old, flawed system.
Fortunately, there is hope on the horizon. Organizations are experiencing a post-agile awakening and have found a solution to this pervasive problem: Product Agility. 
This white paper talks about Product Agility and how it can help your organization overcome these challenges.
FREE ACCESS: You can also listen to this white paper in an audio format here.

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