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App review: Out of Office Assistant
Marketplace Apps & Reviews J JiraForThePeople Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira was initially designed to facilitate asynchronous teamwork, and while that still holds to some extent, the landscape has evolved. Many are now reliant on Jira as a central hub for their operations. Consequently, when planning a vacation, it's essential to communicate your absence through Outlook or Slack and in Jira. This is where the Out Of Office app becomes invaluable. 
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App Review: Extender For Jira
Marketplace Apps & Reviews J JiraForThePeople Updated May 25, 2023 0


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The Jira Extender, according to this review, is a game-changing application that changes the life of any administrator. This app eliminates the countless hours wasted on tasks it handles effortlessly. This review delves into the features of this app.
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