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Asset and configuration management handbook
IT Service Management & ESM A Atlassian Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This guide serves as an introduction to the concepts of asset and configuration management and offers suggestions on how to incorporate them into your IT service management.
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An introduction to Cloud migrations
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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To start, it's important to understand that migrating to the cloud is a process, not a single event. This eBook will help you determine what needs to be done, who should be involved, and what resources will be needed.
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Evaluating vendor risk management
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Organizations that expand often adopt a growing number of cloud applications. This leads to businesses needing to adapt their data security and risk management approaches. Read this paper to learn why you'd need a scalable and efficient process for onboarding new cloud vendors. 
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Creating actionable alerts to maximize resolution speed
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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In today's always-on world, more than simple alerts are required. Top teams understand that adding relevant information to alerts can significantly reduce the time it takes to resolve incidents. This whitepaper provides valuable insights on empowering first responders to handle incidents promptly and efficiently.
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Becoming an Atlassian cloud admin
Agile Transformation A Atlassian Updated February 28, 2023 0


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How does the admin experience vary between server, Data Center, and cloud deployments? In this whitepaper, Atlassian examines four key areas and compares the differences between the them.
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Tips to make a lean, mean ITSM machine with Atlassian
IT Service Management & ESM A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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The traditional approach to IT Service Management (ITSM) is changing, with IT teams shifting towards more flexible, collaborative methods that prioritize ease of use and knowledge sharing over complex workflows. Read the guide on how IT teams can improve efficiency, remain nimble, and focus on delivering business value.
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Four ways Atlassian cloud helps you scale, from any size to enterprise
Administration & Migration A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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As enterprises move more of their systems to the cloud, they must also be aware of the potential challenges they may face in adopting a cloud-first approach. This whitepaper outlines four critical challenges and practical solutions to ensure a successful cloud migration.
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How to bolster your enterprise cloud security
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Discover how other enterprises have adopted five proven security measures to secure their organization in the cloud. These measures have been tested and proven to effectively protect against security threats, giving you peace of mind and confidence in the security of your cloud environment.
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How Atlassian cloud achieves enterprise-grade security and compliance
Security & Compliance A Atlassian Updated February 13, 2023 0


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Scaling with the cloud brings limitless potential for collaboration and growth but also raises security concerns and the need to meet global data privacy regulations. Atlassian outlines a five-step approach to providing enterprise-level security and compliance in the cloud in this whitepaper.
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How can you foster collaboration and make big decisions when people can’t come together?
Software Development & DevOps A Atlassian Updated February 20, 2023 0


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This eBook provides a sample schedule and agenda for a virtual PI planning event, a comprehensive checklist to ensure a successful meeting, and additional tips to keep teams engaged.
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