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What is IT asset management (ITAM)?
IT Service Management & ESM A Appfire Updated May 17, 2023 0


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IT asset management (ITAM) is crucial for organizations to manage their technology assets effectively. It involves overseeing the entire lifecycle of these assets, including their accounting, tracking, upgrading, maintenance, and appropriate disposal. Read this article to learn what is encompassed under the IT asset umbrella as failure to implement proper ITAM practices can result in losing control over technology assets, leaving the organization vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, and failing to comply with regulations. 
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The ultimate guide to powering up your service desk
IT Service Management & ESM A Appfire Updated March 10, 2023 0


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The guide from Appfire, written by Rachel Wright, offers strategies, best practices, and tips for managing service requests through Jira Service Management. The guide includes examples, use cases, and implementation tips to help set clear expectations for leadership and support team members. It covers understanding and communicating needs, creating service-level agreements, using automation and integrations, and collecting feedback to improve processes. The guide also includes a checklist of 10 tips for managing support in Jira Service Management.
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