2 results - showing 1 - 2
Confluence for Jira User
Tutorials & Courses PF Project Flow Updated March 09, 2023 0


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Training Course
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Paid Course
This tutorial covers several topics related to Confluence, including adding the free version and navigating the user interface, creating a new space, and using page templates. It also explains how to create dynamic reports and pie charts, as well as how to create roadmaps in Confluence. Additionally, the tutorial covers comments and how to link to Jira issues.
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Confluence course for beginners
Tutorials & Courses MB Management Bliss Updated February 15, 2023 0


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Tutorial Video
Duration in Minutes
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The easy-to-follow video guide helps you learn how to effectively use Confluence, Atlassian's content management tools designed for creating, sharing, managing and collaborating knowledge within and outside teams.  
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2 results - showing 1 - 2