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The essential guide to merging instances when migrating to Atlassian Cloud
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 03, 2023 0


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This white paper is written for any organization planning to merge multiple instances of Atlassian tools, primarily Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Confluence, and migrate them to the Cloud. You will learn why organizations merge and migrate, the potential benefits of a merge migration, insight into areas requiring special attention, and how an experienced Atlassian Partner can support a successful merge migration. You will also learn more about other important aspects and more.
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Know before you go: Considerations in migrating to Atlassian Cloud
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 06, 2023 0


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The decision to migrate your business to Atlassian Cloud is a significant undertaking that can be challenging for organizations of all sizes. While transitioning to Atlassian Cloud offers many advantages, such as scalability, automatic updates, and ease of management, it may not be the best solution for every business. This white paper covers several topics related to migrating your business to Atlassian Cloud. 
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How to migrate to Atlassian cloud in 8 steps
Administration & Migration IT Isos Technology Updated March 06, 2023 0


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This white paper by Isos Technology discusses the advantages of migrating to the Atlassian Cloud, including flexibility, ease of use, and cost efficiency. However, it highlights the importance of understanding the migration process before making the switch.
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3 results - showing 1 - 3