Jira Scrum crash course

PF Updated March 09, 2023
Jira Scrum Crash Course


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Jira may appear to be a simple project management tool, but it is actually quite complex. Users often struggle with optimizing their workflow and accessing project backlogs, leading to frustration and doubts about the usefulness of the software. However, Mike from Project Flow can relate to these challenges, having experienced them personally. The good news is that managing projects does not have to be a constant battle, and the speaker will provide solutions to common Jira problems. 
These solutions include setting up Scrum projects using a proven method, organizing sprints effectively, avoiding time-wasting activities, simplifying workflows in under 15 minutes, and using custom filters and JQL language to create and share dashboards. Mike's insights are based on real-life Scrum project setups and include a collection of copy/paste filter reports. Note that the first lesson is free.

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