7 results - showing 1 - 7
Discover peace of mind with the Atlassian Marketplace's new Privacy & Security Tab
Atlassian News Updated July 19, 2023 0
To enhance the cloud app evaluation process and provide greater transparency and control for customers, the Atlassian team has introduced a dedicated tab on Marketplace cloud app listings: the Privacy & Security tab. It is a centralized resource for accessing partner-provided information about app data management, privacy practices, and detailed security specifications.
The new app Stitch It consolidates all your integrations in one place
Product News Updated July 19, 2023 0
According to Adaptavist, “Stitch It is a stand-alone and fully managed tool that consolidates all your integrations, syncs and migrations into one place”. Currently in beta and brought to you by the talented team behind ScriptRunner, Stitch It might be just the app many companies might want to explore. 
Tempo’s AI-Powered Timesheets deliver up to 50% faster time tracking
Product News Updated July 11, 2023 0
Tracking time is crucial for making informed decisions about workstreams and business priorities. It provides data for resource allocation, project performance monitoring, risk management, and faster delivery of results. Tempo’s Timesheets, a leading time-tracking app for Jira, now utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to improve organizations' efficiency, resourcing, and alignment. 
Jira Day 2023 by Deviniti is back - save the date
Insights & Opinions Updated June 02, 2023 0
Jira Day 2023 is back on October 17th and 18th in Cracow, Poland. This is your opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Atlassian and explore the future of the ecosystem. The event is organized by Deviniti and it promises knowledge, collaboration, and inspiration in a beautiful city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. 
Understanding Atlassian app privacy for the Public Sector
Atlassian News Updated April 10, 2023 0
Atlassian values trust and security in its Marketplace and works with app vendors to ensure app security. To increase visibility on security indicators for customers, Atlassian is introducing a new Privacy and Security tab for cloud apps in the Marketplace. 
How one engineer and a dedicated outsourced team took an app to the top of the Marketplace
Insights & Opinions Updated April 11, 2023 0
David Fischer developed the JMWE app to automate Jira workflows, and it gained widespread popularity. To expand his development team, he collaborated with TECUNIQUE. This partnership played a crucial role in JMWE becoming a top-selling app in the Atlassian Marketplace. Here is how it all happened. 
ScriptRunner is now an independent brand under The Adaptavist Group
Insights & Opinions Updated March 01, 2023 0
Hey there! Usually, we don't talk about acquisitions, spin-offs, mergers, or investments - unless we find them essential to our readers. Still, we've got some news to share that involves one of the most popular Jira apps, ScriptRunner. 
7 results - showing 1 - 7