The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management

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The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management
The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management
The ultimate admin guide to Confluence content management


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Over time, Confluence can become cluttered with outdated content, confusing navigation, and unnecessary information, taking up valuable storage. These issues can cause problems if left unaddressed, making it difficult for users to find the information they need and reducing the overall usefulness of the platform. This guide is a step-by-step plan to help you clean up and reorganize your Confluence content using native features and more advanced tricks with ScriptRunner for Confluence.
You will learn how to investigate the quality of your existing space and content, leverage the knowledge of space admins during the cleanup process, safely remove unnecessary content, use templates and blueprints to reorganize spaces and pages, efficiently use labels to clean and organize content, and set up processes and educate your users to maintain a clean and organized Confluence instance.
After you read the guide, you'll be able to improve the quality and usability of your Confluence instance, making it easier for users to find the information they need and increasing the overall value of the platform for your organization.


ScriptRunner for Confluence is a powerful tool for managing and customizing Confluence for large enterprise instances. It offers out-of-the-box content management features like adding, removing, or renaming labels, copying spaces and page trees, and deleting content in bulk. Additionally, you can customize how Confluence looks and behaves by adding new buttons and automating tasks like triggering a Jira project to be created whenever a Confluence space is created. With ScriptRunner, you can create your own custom automations and integrate Confluence with other apps like Xero, Salesforce, or Trello.

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