Jira JQL basics and reference guide

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Jira JQL basics and reference guide
Jira JQL basics and reference guide
Jira JQL basics and reference guide


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Jira Query Language (JQL) is utilized to search for Jira Issues that contain particular information. If you want to enhance your proficiency in working with Jira and easily find your Issues, then "Jira JQL Basics and Reference Guide" is the perfect book for you. It will help you become part of a distinguished group of professionals with extensive Jira JQL knowledge.
This 360-page book covers all aspects of a JQL search and will enable you to swiftly compose intricate JQL Issue searches (known as queries). "Jira JQL Basics and Reference Guide" features over 1,000 comprehensive JQL query examples and various exercises to facilitate your swift learning of JQL fields, operators, values, functions, keywords, predicates, and complex queries.
After reading this book, you can join the ranks of Jira professionals who confidently and easily create JQL queries.

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