How to set up omnilingual, omnichannel & automated Jira Service Management

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How to set up omnilingual, omnichannel & automated Jira Service Management
How to set up omnilingual, omnichannel & automated Jira Service Management


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Watch this webinar on creating an Omnilingual, Omnichannel, and automated chat in Jira Service Management. During this session, you will see how to leverage three apps that work together seamlessly to simplify the job of Jira Service Desk agents. These apps can convert your communication channels into multilingual and automate a significant portion of your workflow.
By the end of this session, you will learn how to engage with customers in real-time, regardless of the language they speak, streamline tasks to allow agents to focus on solving problems within JSM, and provide consistent customer support experiences across various channels, languages, and technical domains.


Save time and standardize communications by creating templates for recurring issues and using signatures with the dynamic user and project data. These templates can trigger automated actions, and you can gain valuable insights from reviewing agent communication. The app also offers rich text formatting, content-aware macros, improved organization, and advanced permissions and visibility scopes. Power-user features include a quick toolbar, keyboard shortcuts, and a browser extension. The platform has other apps available to help teams with their challenges.

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