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App review: Out of Office Assistant
Marketplace Apps & Reviews J JiraForThePeople Updated May 25, 2023 0


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Jira was initially designed to facilitate asynchronous teamwork, and while that still holds to some extent, the landscape has evolved. Many are now reliant on Jira as a central hub for their operations. Consequently, when planning a vacation, it's essential to communicate your absence through Outlook or Slack and in Jira. This is where the Out Of Office app becomes invaluable. 
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Use Jira Quick Filters to supercharge your project management
Marketplace Apps & Reviews A Adaptavist Updated April 10, 2023 0


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Jira as a popular agile project management tool due to its vast reporting, project planning, and progress-tracking capabilities. However, with so much information available, finding relevant information quickly can sometimes take time. The article introduces Jira Quick Filters as a solution to visualize the bigger picture easily. It shows how to add Quick Filters - available with Hierarchy for Jira - and unlock Jira's full potential.
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JIRA Workflow Toolbox: Review by Rodney Nissen
Marketplace Apps & Reviews RN Rodney Nissen Updated February 20, 2023 0


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Jira workflows form the foundation of it all and determine the movement of issues, the responsibilities of various users, and the timing of specific tasks. This app is not just another collection of validators, conditions, and post-functions. According to this review, it can possibly replace two or three apps in your system, and here is why.
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