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Automatically Transition Jira Issues
Automation & Workflows RW Rachel Wright Updated April 07, 2023 0


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Yes, it can be a problem when child issues in Jira are not properly closed, and the parent issue is left in an incorrect status. Automating the process of transitioning the parent issue to its final status based on the status of its child issues is an excellent solution to this problem. 
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How to verify approval in a Jira workflow
Automation & Workflows RW Rachel Wright Updated February 20, 2023 0


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By using the Jira Misc Workflow Extensions app and its built-in validator, you can enforce your approval process and ensure that issues pass through the approval status before work starts or the issue reaches its final workflow status. 
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How automation makes us unstoppable
Automation & Workflows RW Rachel Wright Updated February 13, 2023 0


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The webinar will explore the benefits of Jira automation, including increased productivity, improved collaboration, and reduced manual errors. Rachel Wright will demonstrate how automation can streamline issues creation, and workflow management, freeing up valuable time for team members to focus on higher-level tasks.
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