5 ways to monitor daily activity in Jira [brief guide]

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That’s why we are thrilled to bring you the motherlode of Atlassian news, tutorials, and resources, all in one place. Our goal is to equip customers and users of Atlassian products with the knowledge and resources you need to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. And if you’re a solution provider, an app vendor, or an investor, and you want to stay ahead of the curve, then you’ll find this just as helpful.

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To be clear, we don’t aim to replace the fantastic resources that already exist and that you love, such as the Atlassian Community and the Atlassian Marketplace. We know that you can get answers to your questions or find the perfect app to solve your problem directly from these sources.  Yet we know that some articles and announcements from those sites are easy to miss, and we do the hard work of curating the most valuable and relevant content.

The source of funding for this site

Our main goal is to offer free access to information, which is why our website is free to use. WE DO NOT collect payments for listings on this website, nor get paid for referring traffic to the original source. WE ARE NOT affiliated with any app vendor, solution provider, or any other third party.

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How to use apps4agile.com

Our goal is to be a trusted filter, bringing you the best of the best information, news, and resources so you don’t have to spend countless hours searching for it yourself. So, go ahead. Search our website, filter results, browse by popular categories, or just read up on what’s new. You can even choose whether to read, watch, or listen.

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So, Agile enthusiasts, join us on our quest to empower the Atlassian community and make everyone a little smarter.


Inna Gordin



Get ready for Team ’23: The agenda is now live!

According to Atlassian, it’s super easy to get started. Just log in to your Atlassian Team ’23 account and start browsing sessions. Then, when you find one you love, hit the bookmark tab next to the session location to save it to your Bookmarks page.  
I am thrilled to see you in person soon!