Jira wins: Five project challenges, solved by someone like you

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Five project challenges, solved by someone like you
Five project challenges, solved by someone like you
Five project challenges, solved by someone like you


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This ebook provides five detailed use cases that can inspire your work. You will learn how to bring order to a massive project, create project predictability while staying Agile, organize requirements traceability, create a single source of truth in Jira, and manage growing teams in a quickly scaling company.


Structure is a flexible Jira portfolio and project management solution that allows teams to connect work across teams, projects, and time in one view. With customizable hierarchies, real-time reporting, and a Gantt chart, Structure helps teams of all types work together in one tool. Whether using Waterfall or Agile methodologies, Structure can help solve common Jira project management and PPM challenges, including reporting, portfolio planning, project planning, sprint planning, release management, and more.

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